Saturday, February 19, 2011

31 weeks pregnancy

Dengan Asma' Allajh Yang maha Agung...

Alhamdulillah, sekarang ni da nak masuk 31 weeks. Saya x pernah cerita apapun pasal pregnancy. Tahla xde mood betul nak menulis. Mengandung kali ini memang mls betul nk duduk depan komputer. Buka fb pun jarang2. Banyak abang yang baca update daripada saya.

Sebenarnya sekarang saya tgh risau. Nak kena minum air gula lagi huhu. Dulu mengandungkan Kauthar saya ada GDM. Apa tu GDM? Gestational Diabetes Melitus. Senang cerita waktu mengandung kena kencing manis. Nak tahu lanjut, boleh google sendiri ye. Ini kali ketiga saya kena minum. Kali pertama, waktu saya 5 bulan dulu. Alhamdulillah xde ap2. Tapi kali kedua minum, last month, bacaan naik sikit. So saya kena minum lagi sekali. Tapi yg ni utk 3 hours test. Kalau sebelum ni lepas minum tu, sejam lepas tu dtg semula amik darah. Tapi utk yg ni agaknya lepas 3 jam minum baru dia nk amik darah. Saya harap dan doa sgt, xde apa2. Dah serik....Selasa ni baru nak g minum air gula tu, then ari Jumaat ad check up. Kalau kat Malaysia, dia bancuh gula dengan air kan. tapi kat sini, dia bagi macam jus. Manis juga la. Tapi saya boleh telan lagi. Nak kena habiskan dalam masa 5 min.

Teringat mengandungkan Kauthar dulu, saya tgh study lagi. 3rd year masa tu. Alhamdulillah Allah mudahkan banyak perkara. Saya xde ap2 maslah selain GDM. Tapi tu la, yang leceh nya bila kena GDM ni nak kena pergi klinik 4 kali sehari utk test darah. Biasanya pagi2 tu abang ada la temankan g sekali. Then terus dia g kerja dari Kuantan. So, dia akan masuk lambat sikit la kerja aritu. Waktu2 lain, saya minta classmate yg hantarkan. Nasib baik dia ada kereta. Boleh kata setiap minggu saya ke klinik. Bergilir2, utk test darah dan prenatal check -up. Terasa perit sikit la waktu tu. Dengan class lagi. Tapi alhamdulillah, saya tak kena amik insulin injection. Cuma undergo diet therapy. Satu kenangan yang saya tak kan lupa sampai bila2. Tapi kat sini x tahu lagi procedure dia camne.

Saya bersalin awal seminggu dari tarikh due. Waktu tu tgh final exam. Saya x sempat nak amik exam utk paper last. Nsb baik dapat tangguh. Sehari sebelum last paper, bgn subuh tu ada turun tanda. So, saya dah xleh fokus nk study. Duk fikir yg bukan2. Walaupun saya xrasa sakit apa2 pun lagi. Last2 call abang suruh datang amik saya dan saya terus g klinik amik EL. Doktor nasihatkan saya terus pergi hospital, sbb bila2 je boleh bersalin. Then saya terus balik Temerloh.

Petang tu lepas asar saya pergi hospital walaupun saya tak sakit apa2 lagi. Saya cuak sbb tanda2 dah ada. Sampai hospital, doktor kata jalan da buka 2cm. So, terus kena tahan wad. Kebetulan disebabkan saya ada GDM, doktor nak paksa juga bersalin sbb takut ada masalah dengan baby. Takut baby besar. Semalaman tidur di hospital, still xde ap2 perubahan. Saya pun x rasa sakit lagi. Esoknya lepas subuh, doktor masuk belon, nak bagi cepat buka jalan. Alhamdulillah, lepas maghrib, saya baru rasa ada sikit2 contraction. Dalam pukul 11lebih malam, saya pergi toilet. Then, tgk macam ada cecair2 warna kehijauan. Lama saya fikir nak bgtau nurse ke tak nak. Last2 saya bgtahu juga sbb takut ada apa2 jadi. Terus saya kena panggil dengan doktor, sbb doktor takut baby dah makan najis sendiri. Tapi alhamdulillah, bila check clear, xde apa2. Waktu tu juga, doktor kata jalan da buka 4cm. So saya terus kena bersiap2 ke labor room. Saya terus call abang minta datang hospital. Call mak abah minta doakan semuanya selamat. Dalam pukul 12 lebih pagi, saya masuk labor room then puklu 4.10 pagi, saya selamat bersalin. Alhamdulillah, tu dulu pengalaman mengandungkan Kauthar, kali ini xtau lagi camne. Moga2 Allah mudahkan saya bersalin.

Kat sini saya buat prenatal check-up dekat University Medical Center (UMC). So far, tak kena bayar apa2 lagi. Sbb hospital ni bawah insurans coverage. Doa2nya xkena bayar ap2 la hingga ke akhirnya.

Jom tgk apa kata cik internet kita waktu 31 weeks ni.

This is a week of fast weight gain for both mom and the baby. The baby is mature by now and can baby can open and close their eyes at this week in pregnancy. You will see that your appetite will increase more and more in these last weeks. The baby is looking for more nutrients. At this stage of pregnancy, you may hear people tell you that you have the pregnancy glow. You can pamper yourself before childbirth with scented bath oils or gentle massages, pedicures and manicures.

There are some women who let the weight gain affect them. But don’t worry about this. Pregnancy is a special and exciting time in a woman’s life. You can always lose the weight but you may not always be able to have a healthy baby. If your doctor is not worried about it then you shouldn’t be either. If you have not made a choice either way about bottle-feeding or breast-feeding, it has been noted that women who breast-feed lose weight faster than those women who bottle-feed. Plus, they say breast-feeding is also good for the baby.

Baby’s Development

At week thirty-one, the baby is starting to pick up gaining weight gain. The baby should be about 3-1/2 pounds to 4 pounds by now and about 15 inches in length. The baby will continue to develop a layer of fat and as the pregnancy winds down the baby will start gaining about ½ a pound per week. The baby’s lungs developed and they are able to inflate and deflate by breathing. The lungs will produce surfactant; this will stop the baby lungs from collapsing rightafter birth.

The baby’s hearing is now 100% completed and can hear sounds and voices clearly inside the womb. The skin is pink at this stage of pregnancy and won’t change too much in color before they are born. The baby’s bones are hardening nicely and they will still need all of the calcium they can get before they are born. The baby is still receiving their nutrients and they will require more and more as the pregnancy winds down.

The baby can now urinate, they actually urinate about half a liter every day. The baby continues to swallow amniotic fluid that gets replaced a few times every day. The doctor will have the amniotic fluid measured to see if there are any problems that they should be aware of. If there is too much amniotic fluid it could mean that the baby may not be swallowing properly and less fluid could mean that there may be a problem with the baby’s kidneys.

Changes With Your Body

Your weight gain should be estimated at 21 and 27 pounds. It is entirely possible that you have gained more weight. The weight gain includes the baby’s weight, placenta, fat, water, the uterus and the amniotic fluid. The ligaments and muscles and supporting the back are becoming relaxed and loose to prepare for childbirth. By now, you will notice a change in your breast size and they are preparing for lactation, so make sure that you have a supportive bra. You may notice that there is a creamy white discharge, this is called colostrums. This will last a few days or a week after the baby is born.

Some new moms to be will experience Braxton Hicks Contractions. Some women feel these contractions back in the second trimester. Don’t worry these are normal and they cannot affect the birth of the baby. Some women experience hemorrhoids at this stage of pregnancy because of the pressure that baby puts on the rectum causing constipation.

Try to avoid standing in one spot for a long period of time. The hemorrhoids will disappear after the baby is born. Try to stay hydrated during the pregnancy, if you can avoid constipation you can avoid hemorrhoids. Try taking a warm bath with baking soda; this will help alleviate the itchiness. Use Tucks pad or lotion to help with the swelling and sometimes bleeding.

What To Expect

Atthis week of pregnancy,

the baby will soon start taking all of the nutrients from the food that you are giving. Try to keep eating healthyuntil the end of the pregnancy. If you have not given up smoking, it is not too late. The ultimate idea is to quit right away. But you don’t want to continue smoking after the baby is born. You will need to start resting more and more. You may have trouble getting to sleep because you have gained weight and it is becoming increasingly hard to find a comfortable position to rest in.

You will continue to experience frequent urination until the baby is born. Normally, this wouldn’t be difficult but if you have trouble getting a comfortable nights sleep then the constant getting up and down will cause more stress. Try sleeping on your left side with pillows between your knees; you will take off a lot of stress from your body this way. Try to stay away from sleeping on your back; it is not good for the circulation.

You should be attending every doctor’s appointment and if you are considered to be a high-risk pregnancy, you will be going to the doctors and having sonograms every week. This will help the doctors apprised of the baby’s condition. It is very important at this stage of the pregnancy that the doctors continue to monitor the baby.

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